I've followed the marches and protest over the death of many young men. Throughout America I've seen demonstrations over injustices that I would have loved to be apart of. In all of these situations where people took a stance--it was only after a life was lost.
I'm thankful for the people who uses their voice and made calls on my behalf. When I was being held, thanks for standing up for me. As I witnessed the abuse, corruption, and deprivation that's going on at Oaks Correctional Facility located in Manistee, Michigan I was moved to write this piece and be a voice for many of the guys here that are being held in the hole being starved, abused, and mistreated. People will stand together united after a death occurs-but I think suffering is worse than death. These guys here are suffering.
I'm seeing guys here at Oaks Correctional Facility in Manistee, MI being starved and denied their food for days at a time. I'm witnessing guys who are mentally and emotionally ill be baited into situations by prison staff--knowing that the outcome will be physical confrontation in which the prisoner will lose, and in most cases lose teeth and end up with broken bones. That's what's going on at this prison. These guys don't have anyone to speak on their behalf. I was being held in segregation unjustly and I was mentally strong enough to handle it.
Everyday since I've been at this prison, I've see an instance of mental harassment or intimidation by staff here at the prison. It reminds me of when someone is being a bully. The conduct here by the correctional staff is clearly an offensive representation of the criminal justice system. I've been around and know correctional staff that are nothing like what I'm seeing here.
Here's an example. Today was the day that we took showers. When being escorted to the showers we are handcuffed behind our backs and there's a leash attached to these handcuffs. While escorting one prisoner to the shower, the officer was actually pulling on the leash while it was attached to the prisoner and whistling to him saying, "Come on, Bitch. Let's go." As if this guy was his dog. I'm not sure if this officer's intentions were to provoke or humiliate this guy but I know it was a violation of MDOC policy P.D. 03.03.130 (Humane Treatment of Prisoners).
The other day an inmate was tazzed and maced. When other inmates contacted this guys family using the prison phone in complete compliance with our prison phone policy and informed them of what's going on here, they were placed in segregation for no reason; just to harass them and discourage them from exposing the injustice that goes on here. They were even threatened that their phone privileges would be taken from them. This is being done at the direction of the prison inspector Spencley, Deputy Warden Lavern Sharp, and Warden Timothy Ball.
The only thing a prisoner can do is file a grievance, which is investigated by a FRIEND of a person that is being grieved and signed by a supervisor. Michael Surbook, Larry Weaver, or our resident unit manager Thomas who in some of these incidents mentioned above are already aware of, so they only attempt to cover it up or give a response that clears their subordinate/friend of any wrong doing.
Then when its taken to the second stage of the grievance process the person Deputy Warden Lavern Sharp or Timothy Ball, they only support whatever decision that was made by staff they should be supervising. The next and final step is to take the issue to Richard Russell in Lansing. In most cases, there's never an investigation. He supports the response that was given at the first and second stage. They all cover for each other so that the FRIENDS don't get in trouble.
There's other organizations such as the Department of Civil Service and the Office of Legislative Corrections Ombudsman that can be contacted, but what should one expect to happen when they only forward the issue back to the MDOC to investigate---the same people who covered it up in the beginning.
What prisons hate is for their actions and inactions to be exposed to the public. This is a call to anyone that's not controlled by fear and has a spirit of activism to blast all of their friends on social media with this story. Because anytime someone knows that they are being watched or exposed-their behavior is adjusted. I'm currently dealing with my own issue of injustice, but there was no way I could tell these "no" when asked if I would use my platform and expose this prison. Being that I'm seeing it with my own eyes, my conscience wouldn't all me to tell them no.
I'm not asking people to march, protest, use gas, money, or leave their house. Just share this story with all of your friends and ask them to do the same. I'm sure that the power of unity will bring these issues to the desk and doorstep of everyone involved. I'm now out of segregation but the injustice continues and it will until voices like yours help put a stop to the madness.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Correction Officers Starve Inmate
PRISON STARTS TO STARVE INMATE! The Michigan Deprtment of Corrections and the Oaks Correctional Facility is out for BLOOD and STEALING MEALS. Police corruption at its BEST strikes again. This time it lurks in the shadows of a Michigan prison. Robert T. Hinds #410196, an innocent man who has been sentenced to life with out parole and is fighting for his exoneration, has been held in segregation for the last 3 months becuase he refuses to falsify information and lie on other in...mates. Correctional officers are using the case number of another inmate who actually has misconduct charges that have nothing to do with Robert, to falsify the paperwork to hold him. He has been writing Lansing trying to notify them of the harrassment and injustice he is suffering at the hands of the authorities at Oaks Correctional Facility. Now his FOOD is being taken to goad him into a reaction that would give them cause to justify their mistreatment of him. The question his family is asking tonight is "Do all black lives matter?" Because if so, then the injustice, brutality, harassment, and the inhumane treatment of our loved-ones who are currently behind bars for a variety of reasons has to STOP! What if this was your son or brother? What would you do?
If you are disgusted by a man being starved in prison because he refuses to lie on inncocent people please call 517-335-1426
517-335-1426 IMMEDIATELY and ask to speak to Director Heidi E. Washington and ask "Where is Robert?" "Why are his meals being taken?" "Why is he being held in segregation?"
#detroitstandup #whereisRobert #allblacklivesmatter
Thank you in advance for caring and calling. Please REPOST AND SHARE. We need 100 people to call this week before his hearing on November 23.
Robert Hinds' Family
#detroitstandup #whereisRobert #allblacklivesmatter
Thank you in advance for caring and calling. Please REPOST AND SHARE. We need 100 people to call this week before his hearing on November 23.
Robert Hinds' Family
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