PRISON STARTS TO STARVE INMATE! The Michigan Deprtment of Corrections and the Oaks Correctional Facility is out for BLOOD and STEALING MEALS. Police corruption at its BEST strikes again. This time it lurks in the shadows of a Michigan prison. Robert T. Hinds #410196, an innocent man who has been sentenced to life with out parole and is fighting for his exoneration, has been held in segregation for the last 3 months becuase he refuses to falsify information and lie on other in...mates. Correctional officers are using the case number of another inmate who actually has misconduct charges that have nothing to do with Robert, to falsify the paperwork to hold him. He has been writing Lansing trying to notify them of the harrassment and injustice he is suffering at the hands of the authorities at Oaks Correctional Facility. Now his FOOD is being taken to goad him into a reaction that would give them cause to justify their mistreatment of him. The question his family is asking tonight is "Do all black lives matter?" Because if so, then the injustice, brutality, harassment, and the inhumane treatment of our loved-ones who are currently behind bars for a variety of reasons has to STOP! What if this was your son or brother? What would you do?
If you are disgusted by a man being starved in prison because he refuses to lie on inncocent people please call 517-335-1426
517-335-1426 IMMEDIATELY and ask to speak to Director Heidi E. Washington and ask "Where is Robert?" "Why are his meals being taken?" "Why is he being held in segregation?"
#detroitstandup #whereisRobert #allblacklivesmatter
Thank you in advance for caring and calling. Please REPOST AND SHARE. We need 100 people to call this week before his hearing on November 23.
Robert Hinds' Family
#detroitstandup #whereisRobert #allblacklivesmatter
Thank you in advance for caring and calling. Please REPOST AND SHARE. We need 100 people to call this week before his hearing on November 23.
Robert Hinds' Family