Sunday, September 22, 2019

Preparing The Mind Field For Debate

September 20, 2019 during our Central Michigan University (CMU) debate workshop we were given a debate syllabus by Professor Ed Hinck. Being given the concept of a "flow Sheet" may be basic for some but to the men here at Saginaw Correctional Facility (SRF) we thought it was thought-provoking. Being given a format on how to structure a debate/argument was enlightening. Of course many of us compared the debate structure to the format of a criminal trial since that is something that we were familiar with. This thought process made it easier for us to wrap our minds around the "flow sheet" concept. Then we were taught about "sign posting", which explained what contentions are when debating. To identify the contentions one must be actively listening.

Being able to process information and respond requires a substantial amount of cognitive awareness. It demands an individuals complete focus. It was described by the professor as mental combat. This sparring of the minds is giving us the training in the area of processing information, organizing our thoughts, and responding to something verbally instead of physically while maintaining self-control. In my opinion, the training from this workshop can be used as a tool to balance out impulsiveness that has controlled so many men.

As I reflect on conflicts on a domestic level and in the community they often begin as an argument and end in a physical confrontation. The result of two people having different views or opinions is sadly violence. This was  fueled by insults during a debate or argument or by offense that was taken based on how an adverse position was expressed. One example that was used by a staff member was the issue of domestic violence. These debate skills can be effective when helping relationships because the format that we are being taught requires a person to be quiet and listen before expressing our position. In addition, it teaches us to express our position without being sarcastic, belittling, or offensive.

It's my hopes that all the men here at SRF will take the lessons from this debate course and realize that disagreements will happen in life and sometimes we may even have to agree to disagree. But most importantly that disagreement doesn't have to be hostile and everyone is entitled to their own position or perspective.

Today we were also given study material to begin doing the research for our debate. The status quo is: "The current energy policy". This topic is current all around the world with the conversations about renewable energy. Some of the men here were concerned that the students ability to do research is vast with their internet access so they would have an advantage because we don't have internet access. My position is that we must study what we have and be prepared. In the bible David only had a stone while Goliath had a sword. David showed up and threw what he had and prevailed.

On Wednesdays September 25th, 2019 we will be introduced to another group of students from Central Michigan University (CMU). I'm looking forward to this! To be continued.

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